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Horoscope: What’s in Store for You April 22 — April 28, 2024?

Here's what's in store for your star sign this week.

If your goal is to have a positive and productive week, a good place to start is by reading your horoscope. Since horoscopes predict future events (big and small), you’ll have an idea of what lies ahead in the next several days. Here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign this week, April 22 to April 28, 2024.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

Aquarius sign

You might be asked to take the reins on a large-scale project around April 23. Trust that you have what it takes to make it a success! On April 27, catching up with your social circle allows you to unwind. You’ll feel appreciated for what you bring to a lively conversation.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

Pisces sign

Around April 23, when the full moon is in your ninth house of adventure, you’ll find you crave — and can pursue — an eye-opening experience. From April 25 on, you’ll encounter fewer roadblocks than you have recently while pursuing a money-making endeavor. Shoot for the moon!

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)

Aries sign

Around April 23, when the full moon is in your eighth house of emotional bonds, wear your heart on your sleeve. Connecting with a loved one boosts understanding. From April 25 on, research and brainstorm game plans related to passion projects.

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)

Taurus sign

On April 21, put your nose to the grindstone on a big-picture endeavor, and allow friends or co-workers to weigh in. On the same day, when the full moon is in your seventh house of partnership, pour your energy into nurturing your closest one-on-one connections.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

Gemini sign

Around April 21, when the full moon is in your sixth house of wellness, you’ll have an epiphany related to your self-care routine. Experiment with a new approach to feel more centered. From April 25 on, you’ll hit the ground running on a team undertaking.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

Cancer sign

Hit pause on deadlines and embrace lighthearted, playful moments around the full moon in your fifth house of self-expression and romance on April 23. Look forward to smoother sailing on professional endeavors from April 25 on. You might earn recognition!

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

Leo sign

Around April 23, when the full moon is in your fourth house of home life, set aside time to tune into your heart. Work through an emotional wound to promote healing. If you’ve been itching to broaden your horizons, from April 25 on you have a clear runway to do so.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

Virgo sign

Your social calendar is packed around April 23. Take a time-out to recharge so you can keep firing on all cylinders. You’ll connect better with loved ones from April 25 on, once communicator Mercury moves forward in your eighth house of emotional bonds.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

Libra sign

On April 22, check in with your heart before expressing yourself to a friend or loved one. Around April 23, when the full moon falls in your second house of income, you reach the culmination point of a moneymaking project. Reflect on lessons learned before proceeding.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

Leo sign

Around April 23, when the full moon is in your sign, you may feel your emotional needs are not being met. Pour energy into self-love and share your feelings. From April 25 on, kick off a healthy new daily routine (like morning walks or using a meditation app).

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Sagittarius sign

You’ll be inspired to get the ball rolling on an artistic endeavor from April 25 on, when messenger Mercury ends its retrograde and moves forward in your fifth house of self-expression. On April 27, you’ll have a joyful opportunity to have a fun time with loved ones.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Capricorn sign

Around April 23, when the full moon falls in your eleventh house of networking, you’ll cross the finish line on a group project. Celebrate your achievements with friends. Then, from April 25 on, making plans with loved ones sets the stage for bonding and bolsters your emotional well-being.

This article originally appeared in our print magazine, First For Women.


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