These Simple Tricks Will End Midnight Trips to the Bathroom
There’s nothing worse than waking up to go to the bathroom after settling in for a full night’s rest. End those late-night tingles in your bladder with these simple tips, and you should sleep right through until morning.
Start simple!
Frequent urination might be result of too much salt. Frequent urination might be result of too much salt. According to a recent study cited by the Daily Mail, reducing your sodium intake levels by just 25 percent can cut the number of night trips in half. Considering Japanese research has found that excess salt levels cause your kidney to pump out more urine—thus leading to more bathroom breaks—cutting back makes perfect sense.
How often is too often?
Waking during the night to go to the bathroom is a nuisance for sure, but it’s not cause for concern unless you’re making multiple trips before morning. If that’s the case, your bladder problems probably point to a bigger health concern.
According to the Continence Foundation of Australia your bladder can hold up between one-and-a-half to two cups of liquid during the day—the equivalent of a can of cola. But at night, your bladder stretches to hold up to four cups without waking you. So, if you’re heading to the toilet more than twice every night, you might want to talk to a doctor, said Richard Viney, a urological surgeon, told the Daily Mail.
So why do I always have to go at night?
As you get older, your bladder becomes weaker; that’s a fact of life. That said, old age might also make you a lighter sleeper. And, essentially, that change to your sleeping habits might actually be the culprit.
“It’s likely not to be your bladder that wakes you up, but noise or light—and then once awake, you visit the bathroom,” said Viney. Because the aging process also causes the kidneys of older adults to produce more urine at night rather than during the day, you find yourself visiting the toilet nightly.
So how do you solve it? Because the actual problem is staying asleep, Viney recommends blackout blinds and earplugs. These modifications will stop you from waking, thus solving your midnight trips to the bathroom.
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