This Herbal Tea Could Regulate Blood Sugar, Prevent Kidney Stones, and Protect You From Cancer
When you think of parsley, you probably imagine chopping it up and sprinkling it over a plate of fresh pasta or a chicken dinner for additional flavor and color. However, there’s more to this herb than meets the eye. In fact, did you know that drinking parsley tea is an easy way to get a load of helpful nutrients?
Health Benefits of Parsley Tea
Parsley tea is exactly what it sounds like: At its simplest, it’s a brewed beverage that includes a concentrated amount just this herb, which has a relatively mild, earthy taste. Don’t let that fool you though; it’s packed with vitamin C and a number of antioxidants to keep your immune system strong. Researchers have found in lab tests that those powerful compounds may have the ability to stop the growth and spread of cancer cells, and they might even prevent DNA from being damaged in the first place.
Moreover, animal studies have shown that it could have antidiabetic properties that manage blood sugar levels and body weight. For people at risk of kidney stones, this tea may also increase urine volume and acidity while stopping calcium deposit buildup, preventing those painful stones from forming.
The tea is generally safe, though pregnant women are warned against consuming larger quantities of parsley. Doctors also recommend that people on blood thinners don’t add more of it to their diets because the herb’s high vitamin K content makes it helpful for blood clotting.
How to Make It
While you could buy parsley tea online if you want (Buy on Amazon, $8.98), the process of brewing a mug yourself couldn’t be simpler. If you have a tea ball, just place your dried or fresh parsley in it and steep it in a hot cup of water for five to seven minutes. Or, just place the parsley directly into your mug, then strain it to get those little leafy bits out. You can add lemon or honey if you want a flavor boost. That’s it!