5 Tips to Make the Most of a Mental Health Day
As summer winds down, we know how important it is to unplug and just get away from it all. But sometimes we spend so much effort and will planning the perfect vacation that we’re completely exhausted by the time our days off roll in. That’s why, instead of rushing to catch that plane or tiring yourself out on hotel bookings, we recommend a vacation alternative: a self-care day.
Just like the name implies, a self-care day is time you take to focus solely on yourself. And we don’t mean planning activities or setting aside hours to catch up on chores — just a clear schedule with no obligations other than to make yourself as relaxed as you’ve ever been.
“It’s important to have opportunities to rest and reflect and recharge,” Leah Weiss, PhD and a Stanford Graduate School of Business lecturer, told NBC News. “Our bodies and minds are not meant to push constantly — even elite athletes need to have rest as part of the process of becoming stronger.”
We’re not the only ones who agree: Forty-five percent of US workers said taking time off to care for their mental well-being would help them beat burnout, according to a 2015 Deloitte survey. So put your favorite bottle of white wine in the fridge and scroll down to read some tips on how to plan a mental health day that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world.