5 Instagram Accounts That Give You the Mental Health Boost You Deserve
Did you know that in the U.S. in 2015, around 16.1 million adults had at least one major depressive situation in the past year? Oh, what about anxiety, you ask? That affects about 40 million Americans each year.
To mark this year’s World Mental Health Day on October 10, we’ve pulled together the mental health Instagram accounts to follow. And trust us, they’re certainly worth a double-tap.
For when you need to Zen the heck out.
headspace (@headspace)
Never heard of headspace? Essentially, headspace is a mindfulness app that’s all about making the practice of meditation free, simple, and readily accessible for anyone anywhere.
Not only is this bright-colored Instagram deck loaded with cute, relatable images that sum up anxiousness in a pretty-looking nutshell, but headspace founder Andy Puddicombe oftens take questions from the app’s 261,000 followers and will answer them on Facebook Live.
For when you need a pretty and powerful pick-me-up.
storyofthemind.com.au (@storyofhtemind.com.au)
Fact: Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S. Storyofthemind celebrates these minds by collecting and sharing stories of strength and empowerment from those living with a mental illness on social media.
Although this Instagram account does not provide solicited professional advice for those suffering a mental health condition, it does bring people together to ensure that no one ever feels alone in their mental health journey.
For when you need reminding that you’re not alone.
The Black Dog Institute (@blackdoginst)
Since 2002, The Black Dog Institute overview has been campaigning, fundraising, and advocating for a mentally healthier Australia, and the proof is in their Instagram page. The account features affirmations that feel as though they were written personally for you, along with tips for easing the effects of everyday stressors. This is an account you’ll be tagging every man, woman, and (black) dog in…
For when you need a hit of mental health reality.
Sacha Justine/Leaf Lady (@thetremblingofaleaf)
https://www.instagram.com/p/BZ_6V7GjtUs/Whether you’re experiencing a mental health illness or are recovering from something traumatic in your life, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need to shy away from opening up about what you’re going through.
This is the stance 18-year-old Sacha Justine has taken. The anorexia survivor is using her Instagram platform to document her “raw recovery” as a means of promoting self-body love.
For when you want to connect with people who just… get it.
R U OK Day (@ruokday)
Sometimes it’s hard to put stress, anxiety, and depression into words. That’s why connecting with people who know what you’re going through is so important — which is exactly what R U OK Day’s Instagram pledges, and succeeds, to do.
This account shares people’s emotional stories, gives you the prompts to ask someone else if they’re alright, and teaches you what to ask yourself.
If you, or someone you know, needs to talk to someone, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Or, if it is an emergency, call 911 now.
This post was written by Ellie McDonald. For more, check out our sister site Now to Love.
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