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9 Quick and Easy Tips That Will Help You Remember Anything

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You’re probably slouching right now as you read this — but you might want to sit up a little straighter, because according to research, staying hunched over can actually worsen your memory.

According to Medical Daily, sitting in an upright posture “helps increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain” by up to 40 percent. That oxygen flow can significantly improve your ability to stay focused and help you retain more of your memories.

Watch the video below to see how this company is helping dementia patients jog their memory.

But that’s just half of the good news, because according to this 2014 study by San Francisco State University, sitting up straight also boosts your mood and allows you to remember more positive memories.

“We tend to think the brain and body relationship goes one way. In fact, the passages go both ways. When you choose to put your body in a different mode, it’s harder to drop into depression,” Erik Peper, Professor of Health Education, explained.

So whenever you’re sitting, remember to check your posture because your memory skills (and mood) could depend on it!

Check out our gallery to see the most surprising, yet simple ways you can improve your memory.


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