Your Horoscope: What’s in Store for You June 19 – June 25, 2022?
Having an idea of what’s to come can help you better navigate making life decisions. Fortunately, horoscopes are great for predicting what’s ahead for you. Here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign this week with your First for Women horoscope for June 19 to June 25, 2022.
CANCER June 21–July 22
On the 19th, you’ll enjoy an eye-opening experience alongside loved ones. Getting out of your comfort zone makes for great memories ! On the 21st, a surge of conf idence fuels your ability to hit personal goals. Dive in!
Your lucky days: June 19, 20, 21
Your lucky numbers: 1, 9, 11
LIBRA Sept. 23–Oct. 22
You’ll feel extra ambitious from the 19th on. Get clear on your aspirations: You’ll be unstoppable! On the 25th, you’ll find you can more easily get out of your comfort zone. Plan to travel or learn something new.
Your lucky days: June 19, 23, 25
Your lucky numbers: 7, 9, 10
CAPRICORN Dec. 22–Jan. 19
Your imagination will be amplified on the 21st. Use it to come up with a plan to reach your goals. From the 22nd on, put your nose to the grindstone on a project. It’ll get you across the finish line faster than you imagined.
Your lucky days: June 19, 20, 24
Your lucky numbers: 5, 7, 10
LEO July 23–Aug. 22
You’ll want more downtime than usual on the 21st. Prioritizing selfcare allows you to reset, recharge and be even more productive. From the 22nd on, you’ll enjoy feel-good energy spending time with friends. You’ll shine!
Your lucky days: June 21, 23, 24
Your lucky numbers: 1, 11, 12
SCORPIO Oct. 23–Nov. 21
From the 20th on, hit pause on your routine to shake up your wellness. Even get-togethers with friends could be fulfilling. Come the 24th, candid heart-to-hearts with loved ones bring you even closer. Enjoy!
Your lucky days: June 19, 20, 21
Your lucky numbers: 8, 9, 18
AQUARIUS Jan. 20–Feb. 18
From the 21st on, you’ll have even more energy than usual to check off your to-do’s. You’ll feel balanced mentally, physically and emotionally. And from the 22nd on, spend more time with loved ones. It will bolster bonds.
Your lucky days: June 19, 21, 22
Your lucky numbers: 5, 6, 11
VIRGO Aug. 23–Sept. 22
Share a big-picture idea with a co-worker on the 20th. Their feedback could help you hone your vision. You’ll want to reach a goal by collaborating with others on the 23rd. The experience will have you feeling connected.
Your lucky days: June 20, 24, 25
Your lucky numbers: 5, 6, 11
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22–Dec. 21
Join with a co-worker on a project close to your heart on the 19th. Bolstered communication delivers results. You may find that by talking details through with a conf idant, you’ll make strides on your goals on the 21st.
Your lucky days: June 21, 22, 23
Your lucky numbers: 2, 7, 16
PISCES Feb. 19–Mar. 20
Initiate a brainstorm with friends or co-workers on the 20th. What you come up with could be artistic and empowering. Enjoy sweet summertime traditions with loved ones on the 23rd. You’ll strengthen connections.
Your lucky days: June 19, 20, 24
Your lucky numbers: 4, 11, 12
ARIES Mar. 21–Apr. 19
From the 21st on, spending time close to home (think working on your garden or grilling with family) brings more joy than usual. Come the 22nd, your curiosity will skyrocket. Dive into a new book or course — you’ll thrive!
Your lucky days: June 21, 22, 23
Your lucky numbers: 1, 3, 4
TAURUS Apr. 20–May 20
You can anticipate impromptu get-togethers with friends on the 19th. These moments are sure to bring you bliss, and if you trade notes on moneymaking projects with one another, their insights could set you up for success!
Your lucky days: June 20, 23, 24
Your lucky numbers: 2, 3, 6
GEMINI May 21–June 20
You’ll be feeling more confident about making moves related to your income on the 20th. Share your thoughts with loved ones, and you’ll soar! Come the 25th, time with friends will fit into your schedule effortlessly.
Your lucky days: June 21, 22, 25
Your lucky numbers: 2, 3, 6
Happy Birthday! Year-ahead forecast for those born this week.
Boundless opportunities await you, Cancer! With the new moon in your sign in late June, you’ll be presented with your annual opportunity to set a powerful intention. Spend time tapping into your intuition, which is sure to be strong: You’ll know exactly what you want to achieve. In late October, a new moon and solar eclipse in your self-expression zone inspires you to pour your creative energy into a project.
This powerful lunar moment may also signify a new chapter for your bonds. Around early November, when the full moon and lunar eclipse light up your networking zone, you’ll be reaching the finish line on a crucial team effort. Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done before focusing on your next undertaking.