Horoscope: What’s in Store for You April 17 – April 23, 2023?
What's in store for your star sign this week?
After a relaxing weekend, slowly getting back into the swing of things will be a priority tomorrow. Fortunately, horoscopes can make the transition back into the workweek easier because they predict life events (big or small). Here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign this week, April 17 to April 23, 2023.
ARIES Mar. 21–Apr. 19
Around the 20th, you may feel like you’re on the precipice of a whole new chapter. Embracing change serves you well. From that same day on, a surge of confidence around moneymaking can translate to results. Enjoy!
Your lucky days: April 17, 18, 19
Your lucky numbers: 1, 2, 11
CANCER June 21–July 22
You could be ready to take on a leadership position on the 20th. Get clear on your vision, then be prepared to pave your path. On the 21st, reconnect with old friends. It could lead to a fulfilling collaborative effort!
Your lucky days: April 16, 17, 21
Your lucky numbers: 9, 10, 11
LIBRA Sept. 23–Oct. 22
Come the 20th, you could have an exciting breakthrough alongside a dear friend. And on the 22nd, you’ll do well to pair up with that friend to reassess your joint resources. Brainstorming could lead to solutions now.
Your lucky days: April 18, 19, 22
Your lucky numbers: 7, 8, 16
CAPRICORN Dec. 22–Jan. 19
Around the 20th, you may find you can start a new chapter with loved ones. Being open to out-of-the-blue changes is the first step. Then, you could enjoy more impromptu get-togethers with friends on the 22nd.
Your lucky days: April 17, 20, 21
Your lucky numbers: 4, 5, 14
TAURUS Apr. 20–May 20
You’ll feel self-assured and eager to step into your power on the 17th. You’re sure to make an impression! And from the 21st on, going back to the drawing board on a long-term passion project could prove inspiring.
Your lucky days: April 16, 17, 21
Your lucky numbers: 2, 6, 15
LEO July 23–Aug. 22
Around the 16th, break free of a routine that’s been feeling stale. Diving into a new experience could prove truly eye-opening. From the 18th on, you’ll do well to revise your game plan for hitting a long-term aspiration. You’ll soar!
Your lucky days: April 17, 18, 19
Your lucky numbers: 1, 9, 10
SCORPIO Oct. 23–Nov. 21
You’ll be itching to jump into a new mind-body wellness routine on the 17th. Trust your gut to lead the way! From the 21st on, revisiting an ongoing project with a friend or co-worker could prove inspiring and bond-bolstering.
Your lucky days: April 16, 17, 21
Your lucky numbers: 6, 7, 9
AQUARIUS Jan. 20–Feb. 18
Your curiosity soars on the 16th. Picking up a new skill or having an eye-opening experience, especially alongside friends, serves you well. On the 17th, time spent taking walks down memory lane warms your heart.
Your lucky days: April 18, 19, 22
Your lucky numbers: 3, 4, 11
GEMINI May 21–June 20
Join forces with friends or coworkers on a group undertaking come the 19th. Whatever seeds you plant now could lead to a win! Then, on the 22nd, slow your social schedule down a touch to make more time for self-care.
Your lucky days: April 19, 21, 22
Your lucky numbers: 3, 11, 12
VIRGO Aug. 23–Sept. 22
You’ll find you’re inspired to have a heart-to-heart with a loved one around the 17th. What you discuss can boost mutual understanding going forward. Then, on the 18th, brushing up a skill set sets you up for applause. Go for it!
Your lucky days: April 17, 20, 21
Your lucky numbers: 6, 8, 9
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22–Dec. 21
A surge of creativity helps you express your emotions around the 18th. Channel what you’re feeling into an artistic endeavor! And come the 19th, you’ll find that revisiting a previously loved wellness routine can prove centering.
Your lucky days: April 18, 19, 20
Your lucky numbers: 5, 9, 11
PISCES Feb. 19–Mar. 20
You could have a light-bulb moment related to money around the 20th. Gather research, then make your move. That same day, your social life will be thriving. Extra time spent with friends sets the stage for joy!
Your lucky days: April 16, 17, 21
Your lucky numbers: 2, 3, 12
Happy Birthday! Year-ahead forecast for those born this week.
Aries, joy is on the horizon! In early May, the lunar eclipse and full moon in your intimacy zone usher in a breakthrough with a loved one. An ongoing situation could finally reach a fever pitch, and talking it through can expedite healing. In early June, a full moon in your adventure zone nudges you to tune into your gut. Taking a leap of faith feels right! Then, it’s your time to shine, Taurus! While relationship-oriented Venus is in your communication zone, intellectual debates with friends set the stage for connection. From early June onward, beautyloving Venus in your home zone can crank up your creativity around the house. Art projects, crafting and redecorating, especially with loved ones, prove especially fulfilling now.