Turn Up the Presses — First for Women Magazine Is Now Weekly!
Why we boosted our print schedule from every three weeks to one week, plus what's new inside
You like us, you really, really like us! Liz Vaccariello here, editor-in-chief of First for Women. We’ve been doing some research and we know that you:
- describe First for Women as “full of tips and solutions” and “colorful and fun.”
- like to buy our print magazine during your weekly shopping trip. That’s when, as one reader told us, your FIRST issue is “pristine and fresh, a little something just for me.”
- feel sad that fewer and fewer magazines exist out there to serve you lots of relaxation, yummy recipes and solutions just for you.
So we are:
- making more magazines! From now on, a new print issue of First for Women will arrive crisp and fresh every week. It kicks off with our April 1 edition, with Hoda Kotb as our cover girl.
- telling more real-life stories, sharing more science-backed health and wellness tips and filling more pages of experts answering your questions about health and nutrition, style and spirituality.
- amping up our customer service! We are here to answer any questions you have. Email us at help@firstforwomen.com.
Why the changes? In surveys, focus groups and on social media, you’ve given us plenty of reasons! We know:
- You love the chance to relax with a magazine — because sometimes you get sick of your phone.
- You appreciate how many tips and ideas we have — because sometimes you feel more in control just reading about them.
- You like the heartwarming, even Heaven-focused stories — because these days, it’s harder and harder to find that mix.
Some new things to look for:
- A yellow “Get a Gift Card” icon like on our “Things Making Us Smile” page above, which invites you to help populate our pages with warmth, humor and helpful ideas! (And earn gift cards as good as cash.)
- Fit Test, our new longevity column which will appear every few weeks to help monitor your goal to live well.
- But most of all, we want you to simply enjoy another issue bursting with helpful tips, relatable and inspiring stories from women like you and brain-enriching puzzles and games.
We report, write and publish most of what’s in First for Women magazine to make your life easier, your health better and your heart happier. Because if we can do that — and save you a little time and money along the way — then you have time for the uncomplicated and pure things that matter.
I also want to give a special shout-out to our new back page — catch a glimpse of it above — where you get the last word. Share a slice of your life at the prompt (like “The advice I would give to my 18-year-old self is…”) on the page or our Facebook and Instagram accounts. And do be sure to follow us on social media, where you’ll find contest announcements, quick tips from experts and editors, plus more ways you can contribute. I’m here to tell you, you’re funny, fascinating and full of great ideas!
I personally want to hear what you like, or don’t, about the stories and solutions. Our intent was to fill the pages with even more simple joys, genius tips and good-for-you fun. I invite you to email me at liz@firstforwomen.com.