This 2-Ingredient Hair Rinse Will Help Regrow Thinning Strands Naturally
Hair loss is an unfortunately common problem, especially as we age. For those who prefer natural ways to regrow strands rather than spending a ton of cash on chemical-heavy products, you might want to grab a few sprigs of rosemary. Using the herb for a DIY hair rinse will not only help sprout thicker, stronger locks, but also give them a softer texture.
This hair growth remedy has been around for years, but it’s gotten more attention lately after a woman who calls herself the The Aussie Rapunzel shared a video using it on her impressively long locks. She includes her method for making the rinse: Boil two sprigs of fresh rosemary for 10 minutes, let it cool down completely (popping it in the fridge can speed things up), then apply to hair after shampooing and conditioning, and don’t wash it off! She also added 10 drops of rosemary extract oil as it boiled for some extra hair-growing oomph, but says that’s optional.
Take a look to see how easy it is — and how well it works for her!
Although we can’t guarantee you’ll get the same flowing results as Rapunzel, there are studies to back her claims up. In a study from 2015, researchers looked into how rosemary compared to minoxidil, the main ingredient in commercial products like Rogaine.
After six months, the group using rosemary grew more strands than the minoxidil group. They also had less scalp irritation, suggesting it’s a gentle option for those with sensitive skin. Another study found properties in rosemary can stimulate blood circulation, which is helpful for promoting new hair growth. (Psst: Rosemary has some great perks for our skin, too!)
If you’re still skeptical, there’s no harm in just trying a rosemary hair rinse and seeing what happens. For those who’d rather skip the DIY approach, you can also find a ton of products with rosemary, like First Botany’s Peppermint Rosemary Shampoo and Conditioner (Buy on Amazon, $29.95). Here’s hoping we can all achieve the thick, gorgeous locks we deserve!